Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tourney 1, Day 1

Rabbit played RF for the entire first game, and easy 15-8 win in which he went 0-1 with a strikeout and 2 walks. He also came around to score twice, stole two or three bases depending on the opinion of the scorer, and played some decent defense. He is still trying to figure out where to stand out there.

Game 2 was against the Legends, who had also won their first game. It was very tight until a few costly errors by us gave them a comfortable lead and an eventual 9-3 win. Rabbit came in to pitch and went 2/3 inning with 1H, 1K, 2R, 0ER and no walks. He played a great RF including an out and not letting any ball past him. In Little League a ball to the outfield usually means 3B or HR. Today, it usually meant long single. At the plate he was 0-1 with a strikeout and a walk.

He pitched well, and most importantly, confidently. He has 5 innings of "eligibility" left for tomorrow. The coach came over and congratulated him on a good job and that meant the world to him. I must admit I was quite nervous when he came in. His first pitch was called strike one. In fact, of the 5 batters he faced (we had some fielding issues to work out) he was ahead to all 5.

Hitting will need to be addressed. He is just not comfortable up there and does not know how to go about fixing his swing. We have many friends and coaches who can help us get him into shape and Rabbit knows that it will be an uphill battle until he is proficient. But, I am sure he is up for the challenge.

How did I hold up? Well thanks for asking. I did great. It was 97 degrees and I am happy to report that the easy up worked perfectly. Tomorrow we start even earlier (leaving the house by 7:15) so we shall see how it goes.

2 1 0 0 3 2

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